A Series of Difficulties Behind Startup Options
Joining an early-stage startup with a passion, obtaining options, going public, and achieving financial freedom -- this may be a career path that many people dream of. But what exactly is an "option", and what is the difference between it and equity? How many steps and pits are there between it and the real money? For entrepreneurs, how to set up an option pool is not only a financial issue, but also a serious legal issue. In this issue, we once again invited lawyer Liu Xiaoxiao, an expert in Silicon Valley corporate law, to share with you the difficulties behind the options of startup companies.
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Guest: Attorney Liu Xiaoxiao (Knowing: Attorney Xiaoxiao Liu, email liuxiaoxiao101@gmail.com)
Hosts: Sean Wang, Cat Chen, Vindy
Editing: Wang Libing
Timeline: Ji Yuqing
Summary of this issue:
What is an option?
00:01:25 The difference between options and equity
00:02:13 What is an option
00:02:53 The size of the options pool
Employee perspective on options
00:03:21 How many options do employees usually get?
00:06:50 Differentiate between employee options and options as financial derivatives
00:09:38 Differentiate between calls and puts
00:11:09 What to do with options when you leave
From options to money
00:15:49 Grant
00:18:28 Attribution
00:22:59 exercise
00:25:03 Realize
00:26:13 The difference between ISO and NSO
Options from a Company Perspective
00:27:44 How to set up an option pool
00:32:41 How to assign options
00:36:00 Common Option Ratio
00:39:39 Chinese option allocation
Various "pits" of options
00:41:59 China-Cayman company's exercise of rights
00:48:31 Tax issues for option cashing
00:50:58 How to deal with options issues