Private equity fund structure construction and profit sharing
Lecture topic: Private equity fund structure construction and profit sharing
Lecture time: California time: January 7, 2024 7.30pm
Melbourne time: January 8, 2024 2.30pm
Lecture location: Zoom platform
Lecture link:
I am very honored to be invited by the Venture Capital Society of the University of Melbourne to share with you the legal knowledge on private equity fund structure construction and profit sharing.
In this lecture, we will delve into the organizational structure, life cycle, and specific details of fund management fees and performance fees of private equity funds. Whether you are an entrepreneur, an investor or a friend who is interested in the financial field, you are welcome to join the discussion and explore the mysteries of private equity funds together.
See you there at 7:30pm Pacific Time on January 7th, 2:30pm Melbourne Time on January 8th!