Equity Substitution and Betting Agreements, Startup Equity Playbook Revealed
Topic: Equity Substitution and Betting Agreements, Startup Equity Playbook Revealed
Time: Sunday, November 19, 20:00 PM EST
Monday, November 20, 09:00 AM UTC+8
Venue: Zoom
Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/PXUnwKcmrr_4_EPH7I-ZvA
I am honored to be invited by MIT Entrepreneurship Association to share the legal knowledge of entrepreneurship, "Equity Substitution", "Betting Agreements", "Concert Parties", "I believe that the Chinese in the U.S. Venture Capitalists are more or less familiar with these concepts, but also have questions about them. At that time, we will reveal these magical equity play. We will see you on November 19th at 5:00pm PST!